Sunday, September 20, 2009

Making Progress!

Russell got to hold Wyatt for the first time today!

Below is a picture of Dyer...he seems to be so laid back and I haven't heard him cry once! He is eating through a bottle every other feeding and then they feed him through the tube the other times..Hopefully they will increase him to every feeding through a bottle soon! He is so cute and just really started opening those eyes today...I am THINKING he may come home this week...They haven't told us that, but I am hopeful!

This is a picture of Wyatt above...I hesitated even posting this picture with all the wires, but he is doing FANTASTIC!! I promise it looks worse than it is! He had so many tubes before this that this seems like nothing to me! He has now been moved into the room next door and is right by Dyer! I really don't think they look that much alike now that I have seen them beside each other! ..I got to hold him today and he is now eating through a bottle rather than the feeding tube! We are so proud of him! He is a FIESTY little thing...he is ALWAYS trying to pull his wires out and is always kicking those legs! I think Wyatt may be our DIVA!

Russell and I got home yesterday and no--we have NOT forgotten about the PUPS!! They were THRILLED to have us back and we were SO happy to see them! We gave them a hat of Dyers to sniff and check out and Bama proceeded to try to tear it up! It was hilarious..We are hopeful he doesn't do this to Dyer or Wyatt. We will let you know!

I am finally on the mend and my spinal block seemed to "take" so no more headaches!

Russell has been a champ and finally got some good sleep today...We are about to head up to the hopsital to see the boys one more time today and then Russell will be cooking out on the grill! Hopefully next weekend he and the boys can cook out together!

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!


Erin & Scott said...

Yeah! Progress! I am SO happy to see the update and know you all are well! :) Erin

Nicole said...

Awesome post!!!!!
Gosh, they are so precious. I do think that Dyer is a little mini-Russell! How cute!!! Glad you are feeling better and that the boys are doing well.
Talk to you soon!
Love ya'll!
The Parnells

Unknown said...

Dianne and Russell - The boys are just so adorable. Thank you for keeping this blog and letting us know of the progress. They are precious and we are praying for them to home cooking out with Russell next weekend.
If you need anything, please let us know. Fed Ex is very qucik!

Anonymous said...

They are awesome! Mickey couldn't get over how much Dyer looks like Russell. We are so happy to hear things are going well. Take care of yourself and keep us posted.
Kim and Mickey

monique said...

they are so adorable! I'm glad everything is going well...I'm thinking about you! love, MO